All students at Braybrook College study mathematics as one of their core subjects from Years 7 to 10. Our curriculum offers a broad range of topics and students engage in problem-solving tasks throughout this time. At Year 10, students are placed into one of three types of mathematics subjects according to their skill level. This is done in order to better prepare students for the pathway they wish to take through VCE.Students at Braybrook College have their numeracy and mathematical needs supported in many ways. These include assisting students in the classroom with online activities such as Mathletics as well as tailored worksheets for individual student needs. Outside of the classroom students are encouraged to get maths help in the numeracy centre at lunchtime where a maths teacher is always present. VCE students are often seen working in groups in the VCE centre where they can also get assistance from tutors. The Mathematics curriculum has been constructed in the following way aligning to the AusVels curriculum leading to VCE and VCAL at year 11 and 12.
Students study core topics, complete assignments and participate in group work and hands-on learning through problem-solving tasks. Students at year 8 and 9 take part in examinations each semester
Students are placed into Advanced, Intermediate or Foundation Mathematics subjects. They complete core topics, tests, and problem solving work. There are examinations during each semester. Students may also choose an elective subject, Engineering Maths, at Year 10.
Students who wish to study Mathematics at VCE choose their subjects from the following:
Year 11
Year 12